Group Travel Allergy Management

This playbook outlines the steps to manage dietary needs and allergies effectively when traveling with a group. It includes communication strategies with service providers to ensure safety and inclusivity.

Step 1: Pre-trip Planning

Gather information from all group members regarding any dietary restrictions, food allergies, or special nutritional requirements they have. Create a comprehensive list that details each person’s needs.

Step 2: Dietary Briefing

Arrange a meeting or call with all travelers to explain the importance of sharing accurate dietary needs and to discuss how these will be managed throughout the trip.

Step 3: Service Provider Notification

Inform all service providers (hotels, restaurants, airlines, etc.) about the group’s dietary restrictions well in advance. Provide them with the list and discuss possible menu options and alternatives.

Step 4: Emergency Prep

Ensure that all group leaders and members are briefed on what to do in case of an allergic reaction or dietary emergency. This includes knowledge of emergency services in the destinations to be visited and carrying necessary medical information and medications.

Step 5: On-trip Coordination

Designate a group member or leader to double-check meals and arrangements at each location to ensure dietary needs are being met.

Step 6: Feedback Loop

Establish a method for travelers to provide feedback about their meal experiences in real-time, enabling adjustments as needed to accommodate their dietary needs.

General Notes

Dietary List Privacy

Ensure the privacy of each traveler is respected when creating and sharing the dietary needs list, complying with relevant data protection regulations.

Language Considerations

If traveling in a foreign country, have dietary restrictions translated into the local language to prevent misunderstandings.

Local Foods

Research local foods and potential allergens commonly found in cuisine at the destinations to be visited, as this will aid in meal planning and risk assessment.