Creating Teen-Friendly Itineraries

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to design travel itineraries tailored to engage teenagers. The purpose is to keep young adults interested and active during family or group trips by including appealing activities.

Step 1: Identify Interests

Start by gathering information about the teenagers' interests and preferences. This can include favorite activities, subjects they’re passionate about, or new experiences they’re eager to try. Engage directly with them to ensure their input is considered.

Step 2: Research Destinations

Look for travel destinations that offer activities aligning with the teenagers' interests. Consider both well-known attractions and off-the-beaten-path opportunities that could provide unique experiences.

Step 3: Include Teen Input

Involve teenagers in the decision-making process. Present them with options for activities and destinations, and let them have a say in what ends up on the itinerary.

Step 4: Plan Activities

Build the itinerary by scheduling a mix of activities that cater to the teenagers' interests. Ensure there is a balance of educational, physical, cultural, and recreational activities to keep them engaged.

Step 5: Consider Downtime

Incorporate appropriate downtime into the itinerary for rest and relaxation. Teenagers need time to recharge, especially during action-packed trips.

Step 6: Review Itinerary

Go over the planned itinerary with the teenagers to get their feedback and make any necessary adjustments. Their approval will enhance their engagement during the trip.

Step 7: Finalize Plans

Once the itinerary is agreed upon, book reservations for accommodations, activities, and transportation. Secure any necessary tickets and research requirements for each destination.

Step 8: Prepare Documents

Compile all travel documents, such as passports, ID cards, bookings, and insurance information. Make copies and share them with all members of the travel group.

Step 9: Pack Smartly

Assist the teenagers in packing for the trip. Focus on essential clothing and gear for the planned activities, and remind them to include personal entertainment for travel downtime.

Step 10: Stay Flexible

Remind everyone involved that plans may change, and being adaptable is key. Keep an open mind and be ready to modify the itinerary if unexpected opportunities or challenges arise.

General Notes

Teen Engagement

The main goal is to design an itinerary that specifically targets the interests and preferences of teenagers to keep them fully engaged.

Balanced Planning

A successful itinerary for teenagers should have a diverse set of activities to cater to different moods and moments, balancing high-energy adventures with quieter, introspective opportunities.