Serval Cat Training

This playbook describes how to train a pet serval cat, focusing on basic obedience, leash training, and socialization to ensure a well-behaved and sociable pet. The training encompasses positive reinforcement and consistent practice sessions.

Step 1: Preparation

Obtain necessary training equipment such as a harness, leash, clicker, and treats. Set up a quiet training space where you and your serval can concentrate without distractions.

Step 2: Clicker Intro

Introduce your serval to the clicker by pressing it and immediately giving a treat. Repeat several times until the serval associates the clicker sound with positive rewards.

Step 3: Basic Obedience

Start with simple commands like 'sit' or 'stay'. Use the clicker to mark the desired behavior, followed by a treat. Practice in short, consistent sessions daily, gradually increasing difficulty as your serval learns.

Step 4: Leash Training

Let your serval acclimate to wearing a harness by putting it on for short periods throughout the day, incrementally increasing the time. Attach the leash and let your serval walk around freely before initiating controlled walks.

Step 5: Socialization

Expose your serval to various scenarios involving humans and other pets. Start with calm environments, keeping sessions short. Praise and treat for calm and friendly behavior. Slowly introduce more diverse social situations.

Step 6: Consistent Practice

Continue with regular training sessions, focusing on maintaining and improving skills learned. Keep sessions enjoyable and end on a positive note with praise and treats.

General Notes


Servals are wild by nature, so patience and understanding are crucial during training sessions.


Ensure that your serval is safe during training. A serval should never be off-leash outdoors unless in a secured, escape-proof enclosure.

Legal Considerations

Check local laws and regulations related to keeping and training exotic pets like serval cats, as they may require specific permits or conditions.