Hedgehog Grooming Care

This playbook provides step-by-step instructions on grooming care for your hedgehog. It covers the essentials of bathing and nail trimming to ensure your pet maintains good hygiene and health.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather all necessary supplies including a toothbrush or soft brush, a small animal shampoo, a towel, and nail clippers specifically designed for small animals.

Step 2: Bathing Setup

Fill a sink or basin with warm, not hot, water. The water should be shallow enough for the hedgehog to touch the bottom comfortably with its head fully above water.

Step 3: Gentle Bathing

Place your hedgehog gently into the water. Using the toothbrush, softly brush the quills and skin with small animal shampoo. Avoid the face and ears to prevent irritation.

Step 4: Rinsing

Carefully rinse the hedgehog with a cup or gentle stream of water, ensuring all the shampoo is removed from the quills and skin.

Step 5: Drying

Lift the hedgehog out of the water and wrap it gently in a towel. Pat dry, do not rub, to avoid damaging the quills or skin.

Step 6: Nail Trimming Prep

Cradle your hedgehog in a towel or fleece, exposing one foot at a time for nail trimming.

Step 7: Trimming Nails

Using the small animal nail clippers, trim just the tip of each nail, avoiding the quick where there are blood vessels. If the quick is accidentally cut, have styptic powder on hand to stop any bleeding.

General Notes


Bathing should be done only when necessary, as frequent baths can dry out their skin. Nail trimming should be done regularly to prevent overgrowth and injury.


Always handle your hedgehog gently and with care to avoid stress and injury. Provide treats and gentle reassurance throughout the grooming process.