Exotic Pet Travel Guide

This playbook provides a structured approach for traveling with an exotic pet. It covers understanding travel regulations for exotic pets, preparation tips, and ensuring the pet's safety and comfort throughout the journey.

Step 1: Research

Investigate and understand the specific travel regulations and requirements for your exotic pet for the destination you are traveling to. Regulations can vary between countries and states, and some places may have quarantine requirements or require special documentation.

Step 2: Visit Vet

Schedule a check-up with your veterinarian to ensure your pet is healthy enough for travel and to obtain any necessary health certificates or vaccinations that are required for your destination.

Step 3: Secure Permits

Obtain any necessary permits or documentation needed for traveling with your exotic pet. This may include CITES permits, import/export permits, or other special permissions needed for transport.

Step 4: Choose Carrier

Select an appropriate carrier or enclosure for your pet's travel that meets airline or other transport regulations. Ensure it is secure, comfortable, and adequately sized for your pet.

Step 5: Pack Supplies

Prepare and pack all necessary supplies for your pet's journey. This includes food, water, medications, and any comfort items to help reduce stress for your pet.

Step 6: Prepare Pet

Acclimate your pet to the travel carrier or enclosure in the weeks leading up to travel to minimize stress. Practice using the carrier for short periods and gradually increase the time spent inside.

Step 7: Review Itinerary

Review your travel plans and make necessary accommodations for your exotic pet. This may include booking pet-friendly accommodations, arranging for transportation that accepts pets, and planning for stops along the way if needed.

Step 8: Confirm Details

Double-check all arrangements and confirm bookings for pet travel, lodging, and any necessary services. Make sure to have a contact plan in case of emergencies or unforeseen changes to the itinerary.

General Notes


Be aware that travel can be very stressful for exotic pets, leading to unexpected behavior. Always keep a close eye on your pet and be prepared for contingencies.

Temperature Control

Consider the temperature needs of your exotic pet during travel. Some animals may require a stable temperature and may need special arrangements to maintain their comfort.

Legal Advice

If unclear about the legal aspects of international pet travel, consider consulting with a lawyer who specializes in exotic animals to avoid any legal issues.