Exotic Amphibian Feeding

A guide to understanding and executing proper feeding regimens for pet amphibians. This includes information on different species' diets, nutrition, and the use of live feed.

Step 1: Research

Investigate the specific dietary needs and preferences for the species of amphibian you are intending to feed. Different species might require different types of live feed, frequency of feeding, and nutritional supplements.

Step 2: Procure Feed

Obtain the appropriate type and quantity of live feed or other food items suitable for your species of amphibian. Live feed options often include insects like crickets, fruit flies, and worms.

Step 3: Schedule Feeding

Establish a feeding schedule that aligns with the natural feeding habits of the species you are caring for. Some amphibians may eat daily while others may require feeding only a few times a week.

Step 4: Supplement Diet

Determine if your amphibian requires any dietary supplements to ensure complete nutrition. If so, learn how to properly administer these supplements.

Step 5: Feed Carefully

Carefully feed your amphibian, observing how it eats to ensure that it is getting the required nutrition and that the feeding process is safe for the animal.

Step 6: Monitor Health

Regularly monitor the health and condition of your amphibian, adjusting the diet and feeding schedule as necessary, based on growth, health changes, and activity level.

General Notes


Ensure all feeding equipment and your hands are clean before and after the feeding process to prevent contamination and spread of diseases.

Food Storage

Store live feed in appropriate conditions to keep them alive and healthy, as sick or dead feed could harm your amphibian.

Quarantine New Feed

Quarantine new live feed before offering them to your pet to prevent the potential transmission of parasites and diseases.