Ethical Exotic Pet Ownership

This playbook outlines the necessary steps for considering the ethics of keeping exotic pets. It covers aspects such as conservation, welfare, and legal implications to ensure responsible ownership.

Step 1: Research

Begin by conducting thorough research on the specific species of exotic pet you are interested in. Understand its natural habitat, dietary needs, social habits, and any special care requirements.

Step 2: Conservation Status

Investigate the conservation status of the species. Check if it is endangered or threatened, and understand how pet trade impacts the species' survival. Use resources like the IUCN Red List for accurate information.

Step 3: Legal Regulations

Confirm the legal regulations surrounding the ownership of the species in your area. This includes local, state, and federal laws. Ensure that you are in compliance with the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) and other wildlife trade regulations.

Step 4: Animal Welfare

Assess whether you can provide an environment that meets the welfare needs of the species. This includes space, social interaction, and mental stimulation. Consider the ethical implications of keeping an animal outside of its natural habitat, and the potential for stress and behavioral issues.

Step 5: Ethical Sources

Source the exotic pet from ethical providers. Avoid contributing to the illegal pet trade, and select breeders or suppliers who prioritize animal welfare and conservation.

Step 6: Long-term Commitment

Reflect on the long-term commitment required to care for the exotic pet, including lifespan, healthcare, and the possibility of future rehoming difficulties. Make an informed decision based on the best interest of the animal and your capability to commit.

General Notes

Impact Awareness

Be aware of the broader impacts of exotic pet ownership on biodiversity, including the potential for invasive species issues if pets escape or are released into non-native environments.

Expert Consultation

Consider consulting with veterinarians, wildlife experts, or experienced exotic pet owners to gain deeper insight into the species-specific care and ethical considerations.


Engage in advocacy for the protection of exotic animals by supporting legislation and conservation efforts that aim to regulate the exotic pet trade responsibly.