Cockatoo Basic Training

This playbook outlines a structured approach to train a pet cockatoo. It includes steps for teaching basic commands and tricks, methods to provide mental stimulation, and ways to promote positive behavior.

Step 1: Preparation

Before beginning any training sessions, ensure you have treats for positive reinforcement, a quiet environment free from distractions, and a set time each day dedicated to training.

Step 2: Trust Building

Start by bonding with your cockatoo. Spend time daily to create trust; this can involve gentle talking, offering treats from your hands, and allowing the bird to become comfortable in your presence.

Step 3: Basic Commands

Focus on simple commands first, such as 'step-up' onto your hand or 'come'. Use a treat to entice and reward the cockatoo for following the command. Repeat these exercises regularly until the bird responds consistently.

Step 4: Trick Training

Once your cockatoo masters basic commands, you can introduce simple tricks like waving, shaking head, or fetching objects. Demonstrate the trick, then guide your bird through the motions, rewarding with treats.

Step 5: Mental Stimulation

Provide a variety of toys and change them frequently to keep the bird's environment stimulating. Puzzle toys that release treats can help keep your cockatoo mentally engaged and can also be used during training sessions.

Step 6: Behavior Reinforcement

Always reinforce positive behavior with treats and praise. Negative behaviors should be discouraged with a firm 'no' or by ignoring the behavior, but never with punishment.

Step 7: Consistency

Maintain a consistent training routine, ideally at the same time each day. Consistency in commands, tone of voice, and the use of rewards is key to successful training.

Step 8: Socialization

Introduce your cockatoo to various people, pets, and environments when it's comfortable and safe. Socialization is an important part of its training that helps prevent fear and aggression.

General Notes


Training a cockatoo requires patience and consistency. They may not respond to commands immediately, but with regular practice, they will learn.


During socialization or environmental changes, ensure your cockatoo's safety by supervising all interactions and preventing potential hazards.

Health Check

Before starting a training regimen, have your cockatoo examined by a vet to rule out any health issues that might affect its ability to train effectively.