Monetizing Virtual Events

This playbook outlines the strategies to monetize virtual events effectively. It includes securing sponsorships, offering exclusive content, and facilitating in-app purchases to generate revenue.

Step 1: Plan Event

Define the scope, audience, and goals for the virtual event. Ensure the event's value proposition is clear and that you have identified the unique selling points (USPs) that will attract sponsors and attendees.

Step 2: Identify Sponsors

Compile a list of potential sponsors whose target audience aligns with that of your event. Create sponsor packages that outline the benefits and opportunities available to partners.

Step 3: Outreach

Reach out to potential sponsors with a well-crafted pitch that details the event's reach, audience demographics, and the advantages of sponsorship. Customize proposals to address the specific marketing goals of each sponsor.

Step 4: Offer Exclusivity

Design exclusive content offerings that can be made available to attendees at a premium. This could include VIP sessions, behind-the-scenes access, or one-on-one networking opportunities.

Step 5: Set Up Purchases

Integrate payment systems into your event platform to allow for easy in-app purchases. Offer digital goods, upgrades, or additional content that attendees can buy before or during the event.

Step 6: Promote Event

Market your event through email campaigns, social media, and partnerships. Highlight the exclusive content and the perks of in-app purchases to entice attendees to spend.

Step 7: Monitor Performance

During the event, track metrics related to participation, sponsor engagement, and sales of exclusive content or purchases. Use this data to make real-time adjustments and improve sales.

Step 8: Post-Event Follow-Up

After the event, analyze sales data and sponsor feedback. Reach out to attendees with surveys and thank-yous, and offer them further incentives for future events or purchases.

General Notes

Legal Considerations

Ensure that all sponsorship deals, exclusive content offerings, and in-app purchases comply with legal standards and that appropriate contracts are in place.

Technical Support

Guarantee that adequate technical support is available to manage in-app purchases and to address any issues that attendees may encounter during the event.