Event Website Creation

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide to creating engaging and user-friendly interactive event websites. It covers integrating schedules and incorporating networking features for attendees.

Step 1: Planning

Identify the event's goals, target audience, and the key features that will be required on the website such as event schedule, speaker profiles, registration forms, etc.

Step 2: Design

Sketch the website layout focusing on user experience. Create wireframes for the homepage, schedule page, attendee networking areas, and any other necessary pages.

Step 3: Development

Transform the wireframes into a functional website. Ensure mobile responsive design and implement the back-end for features like registration and networking platforms.

Step 4: Schedule Integration

Incorporate a dynamic event schedule that allows attendees to view session times, locations, and details. Include personalization features like 'add to my schedule'.

Step 5: Networking Features

Add networking capabilities such as attendee profiles, messaging, and meeting scheduling to encourage interaction among participants.

Step 6: Testing

Conduct thorough testing of the website to ensure functionality across different devices and browsers. Test registration processes, schedule updates, and networking features.

Step 7: Launch

After testing, launch the event website. Monitor performance and be ready to promptly address any technical issues or user feedback.

Step 8: Promotion

Promote the website through various channels such as social media, email marketing, and partnerships to attract attendees to the event.

Step 9: Maintenance

Keep the website up-to-date with the latest event information and make sure that the networking features remain active and moderated throughout the event's lifecycle.

General Notes

SEO Optimization

Consider implementing search engine optimization (SEO) best practices when developing the website to improve visibility and attract organic traffic.


Set up web analytics to track attendee engagement and collect data that can be used for future event planning and website improvement.


Ensure that the event website is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, by adhering to web accessibility guidelines.