Event Risk Management Tech

This guide outlines the necessary technology tools and procedures for identifying and managing risks at events. It focuses on aspects such as crowd control and emergency response coordination.

Step 1: Planning

Begin with a comprehensive risk assessment of the event. Identify potential risks such as overcrowding, access control, and emergency medical situations. Determine the technology needs for each identified risk.

Step 2: Tech Solutions

Select appropriate technology solutions for each risk. Consider crowd management software for attendee tracking, emergency alert systems, and digital communication tools for staff coordination.

Step 3: Integration

Integrate the chosen technology into the event's overall security and emergency plans. Ensure that all systems can work together effectively and that staff are trained on each technology's use.

Step 4: Testing

Conduct thorough testing of all technologies prior to the event. Simulate different scenarios to ensure that each system functions as intended and that staff can operate them under pressure.

Step 5: Implementation

Implement the technology on the day of the event. Monitor systems continuously, manage crowd flow and communicate with emergency services as needed using the established technology.

Step 6: Debrief

After the event, review the performance of the technology and the team's response to any incidents. Gather feedback to identify any issues and improvements for future events.

General Notes


Ensure all staff members are adequately trained on the new technologies and understand their role in managing risks. Continuous training and drills can improve emergency response times.


Stay updated on local and federal regulations regarding events and ensure the chosen technology complies with these legal requirements. Privacy laws should also be considered in the use of data-gathering tech.