Drone Event Videography

This playbook outlines the sequential steps necessary for using drones to capture aerial footage at events. The aim is to enhance event promotion and create lasting memorabilia through unique video perspectives.

Step 1: Preparation

Begin by conducting thorough research on the event location and understanding the local regulations concerning drone flights. Select the appropriate drone for the videography task, ensuring it has a high-quality camera and adequate battery life.

Step 2: Permissions

Obtain necessary permissions from local authorities for flying a drone, if required. Ensure you have permission from the event organizers and inform them about the drone's flight path and timing.

Step 3: Safety Measures

Implement safety measures by setting up a clear takeoff and landing area, and establish boundaries where the drone can and cannot fly to avoid accidents or invasions of privacy.

Step 4: Flight Plan

Create a detailed flight plan that includes the takeoff point, specific routes, points of interest for capturing footage, and landing. Plan your shots considering the lighting, angles, and composition to enhance the video quality.

Step 5: Rehearsal

Conduct a rehearsal flight, if possible, to check the drone's functionality, coverage area, and to ensure the flight plan aligns with the event's layout and timeline. Use this opportunity to adjust the plan as necessary.

Step 6: Live Event

On the event day, perform pre-flight checks on the drone equipment. Follow the flight plan to capture footage, paying close attention to battery levels, weather changes, and any unexpected obstacles.

Step 7: Post-processing

After the event, download the captured footage and carry out post-processing tasks such as editing, color correction, and stabilizing the video to ensure professional quality results.

Step 8: Delivery

Finalize the video by adding music, text, or graphics as needed and deliver the final product to the event organizers or for promotional purposes, in the agreed-upon format and platform.

General Notes


Consider obtaining insurance for your drone to cover potential damages or liability claims resulting from its operation during the event.


Be mindful of privacy laws when capturing footage; avoid recording areas where people have an expectation of privacy unless consent has been given.

Battery Life

Always carry spare batteries or have a charging station ready to ensure continuous operation and to avoid missing important moments due to power issues.