Securing Media Partnerships

This playbook outlines the steps to form partnerships with media outlets to secure event coverage and expand audience reach. It guides through identifying and engaging with potential media partners, crafting compelling pitches, and maintaining relationships for ongoing coverage.

Step 1: Research

Identify potential media outlets that align with the event's target audience. Consider local newspapers, magazines, online publications, radio stations, and television channels. Make a list of contacts, including journalists and editors, who cover similar events or topics.

Step 2: Craft Pitch

Create a tailored pitch for each media outlet. Include information about the event, its significance, and why it would interest their audience. Highlight unique aspects that make the event newsworthy. Personalize each pitch to the specific media outlet and journalist.

Step 3: Contact Outlets

Reach out to media outlets using the contact list. Utilize emails, phone calls, and even social media where appropriate. Ensure communication is professional and concise, providing all necessary information to make a decision about coverage.

Step 4: Follow-up

Send follow-up messages if you don't receive a response within a reasonable timeframe. Be polite and persistent without being pushy. Reiterate the value proposition of covering your event.

Step 5: Negotiate Details

Once an outlet expresses interest, negotiate the details of the partnership. This could include the scope of coverage, access to the event for journalists, and any specific content deliverables such as interviews or articles.

Step 6: Provide Materials

Supply the media partner with all necessary materials, such as press releases, high-resolution images, and any other relevant information that could assist in producing coverage.

Step 7: Maintain Relationships

Keep in touch with media contacts before, during, and after the event. Offer exclusive updates, respond promptly to inquiries, and be available for interviews. After the event, thank the media outlets for their coverage and discuss potential future collaboration.

General Notes

Media Kit

Prepare a media kit with relevant event information, images, speaker bios, and FAQs to support media inquiries and coverage.

Social Media

Utilize social media platforms to engage with journalists and outlets. Share updates and tag partners to increase visibility and strengthen relationships.