Local Broadcast Event Promotion

This playbook describes a strategic approach to promoting events using local radio and television stations. The focus is on effectively reaching a target demographic within a geographic area to increase event attendance.

Step 1: Research

Identify and research local radio and TV stations that align with your target demographic. Consider factors like the station's audience size, the typical content they broadcast, and their engagement within the community.

Step 2: Contact

Reach out to the stations with a tailored pitch. Highlight how promoting your event can benefit their audience, and provide clear details about the event, such as date, time, location, and purpose.

Step 3: Negotiate

Discuss promotional opportunities and negotiate terms, such as airtime, rates, and the potential for cross-promotions or sponsorships. Aim for packages that fit your budget while maximizing exposure.

Step 4: Create Materials

Develop captivating promotional materials tailored to radio and TV formats. For radio, focus on engaging audio content. For TV, produce visually appealing commercials or segment features.

Step 5: Schedule Spots

Work with station representatives to schedule your promotional spots. Aim for times with high listenership or viewership to ensure the best reach.

Step 6: Monitor

Monitor the performance of your promotions. Collect data on audience reach and engagement, and be prepared to adjust your strategy if necessary.

Step 7: Follow-up

After the event, follow up with the stations to thank them for their partnership and share any relevant success metrics or attendee feedback that can strengthen future collaborations.

General Notes

Rights & Permissions

Ensure that all promotional materials comply with broadcast regulations and intellectual property rights. Obtain necessary permissions for music, images, and other content that will be used.


Carefully plan your budget to accommodate for promotional costs without overextending your resources. Factor in the potential return on investment when considering expensive slots.