Influencer Event Promotion

This playbook outlines the steps for collaborating with influencers as part of a strategy to promote an event. It aims to leverage the influencers' reach to enhance event awareness and attendance through their follower base.

Step 1: Research

Identify influencers who align with the event's theme and have a significant following in the relevant demographic. Assess their engagement rates and the relevance of their audience.

Step 2: Outreach

Craft personalized outreach messages to potential influencer partners, outlining the event details and the benefits of the partnership. Use a professional yet friendly tone to engage them.

Step 3: Negotiation

Discuss and agree upon the terms of the partnership, including compensation, the scope of promotional content, and any specific messaging guidelines related to the event.

Step 4: Content Plan

Develop a content plan in collaboration with the influencer. Ensure it includes key event information, hashtags, and any tracking links for measuring impact.

Step 5: Contract

Finalize the partnership with a formal contract that outlines all agreed terms, deliverables, timelines, and legal obligations to protect both parties.

Step 6: Monitoring

Monitor the influencer's content to ensure it aligns with the event's branding and messaging. Provide feedback and address any issues promptly.

Step 7: Engagement

Engage with the influencer's promotional content by liking, commenting, and sharing. This helps boost visibility and reach within the influencer's network.

Step 8: Tracking

Track the performance of the influencer's content using the predetermined metrics and tracking links. Assess the partnership's impact on event awareness and ticket sales.

Step 9: Follow-Up

After the event, follow up with the influencer to thank them for their partnership, discuss any feedback, and explore potential for future collaborations.

General Notes


Ensure all influencer content is compliant with the latest FTC guidelines regarding sponsored content, and that disclosures are clearly made.


Aim for diversity in influencer selection to reach different demographics and improve the event's inclusivity.