Event Promotion Video Creation

This playbook details the steps to create and share engaging video content designed to promote an event and boost registrations. It outlines the preparation, production, and distribution phases required to effectively leverage video for event promotion.

Step 1: Planning

Outline the objectives for the video and target audience. Determine the key messages and features of the event to highlight. Decide on the video format, length, and style that align with your promotional strategy.

Step 2: Scriptwriting

Draft a script that engages viewers and conveys the event details and unique selling points clearly. Ensure the script has a compelling call-to-action, prompting viewers to register or learn more about the event.

Step 3: Storyboarding

Create a storyboard to plan the video's visual and narrative flow. Detail the shots, angles, and on-screen text that will accompany each part of the script for better visual coherence.

Step 4: Location & Talent

Select a suitable location for the video shoot that represents the event's theme or venue. Choose and brief any on-screen talent or spokesperson, including presenters or actors, who will present the event features.

Step 5: Production

Film the video content according to the storyboard and script. Ensure good lighting, clear audio, and professional-quality visuals. Capture b-roll footage of the event location or relevant activities for added interest.

Step 6: Editing

Edit the footage to create a cohesive and engaging narrative. Add music, transitions, on-screen text, or graphics to enhance the video's appeal. Include the event branding for consistency and recognition.

Step 7: Review

Conduct an internal review of the edited video. Gather feedback from team members and make necessary revisions to ensure the video meets the promotional objectives and quality standards.

Step 8: Distribution

Publish the video across various platforms such as social media, email campaigns, event websites, and YouTube. Optimize for each platform, and use appropriate tags and descriptions to reach the target audience.

Step 9: Monitoring

Monitor the video's performance by tracking views, engagement, and conversions to registrations. Analyze the data to understand viewer behavior and make adjustments for future video content.

General Notes

Legal Compliance

Ensure all video content complies with copyright and privacy laws. Obtain proper permissions or licenses for music, video clips, and any branded content not owned by the organization.

Promotion Plan

Develop a detailed promotion plan for the video, including scheduled postings, advertising budgets, and cross-promotion with event partners or influencers.

Call to Action

Make sure the call to action is clear and easy to follow. Provide a direct link to the registration page or a simple registration process to maximize conversion rates.