Pet Care Post-Passing

This playbook describes the steps to ensure your pets are taken care of after your death. It involves legal arrangements such as setting up pet trusts to provide for your pets’ future.

Step 1: Research

Learn about options for pet care after your passing, including pet trusts, provisions in wills, and arrangements with shelters or relatives. Research the procedures and legal requirements in your area as they can vary by region.

Step 2: Select Caregiver

Identify a trusted person or organization that would be willing and able to take care of your pets. Confirm their willingness to take on this responsibility.

Step 3: Seek Legal Advice

Consult with an attorney who specializes in estate planning or animal law to understand the best options for your circumstances and to draw up the legal documents.

Step 4: Establish Trust

With the help of your attorney, set up a pet trust. Specify the amount of money to allocate and the standards of care for your pets. Clearly identify the caregiver and a trustee to manage the trust.

Step 5: Draft Will Provisions

In addition to or instead of a pet trust, include instructions in your will for the care of your pets. This may involve designating a caretaker or leaving a monetary gift to the person or organization that will assume responsibility for them.

Step 6: Notification

Inform your family and the executor of your will about your plans for your pets. Provide them with a copy of the trust or will provisions and any care instructions.

Step 7: Review Regularly

Regularly review your arrangements as circumstances can change. Ensure that your chosen caregiver is still willing and able to take care of your pets, and update your legal documents as necessary.

General Notes


Ensure there is a reliable funding source for the trust to cover the ongoing expenses of pet care.

Alternate Caregiver

Designate an alternate caregiver in case the primary caregiver can no longer perform their duties.

Legal Validity

Make sure that your pet care arrangements are legally valid and enforceable.