Green Burial Estate Planning

This playbook outlines the steps for planning an environmentally friendly burial or alternative funeral and including these wishes in your estate plan. It is intended to ensure that one's final wishes are respected and executed in an eco-conscious manner.

Step 1: Research Options

Begin by researching different types of green burial options and alternative funeral arrangements. Look for environmentally friendly practices such as biodegradable caskets, natural burial grounds, and conservation burial. Also, research the legal requirements and availability of such services in your area.

Step 2: Evaluate Beliefs

Consider your personal, religious, or spiritual beliefs and how they align with green burial options. Decide which practices are most important to you and which you would like to include in your final arrangements.

Step 3: Budget Planning

Assess the costs associated with various green burial options. Create a budget plan that accommodates these expenses, and consider setting aside funds specifically for your burial arrangements.

Step 4: Update Estate Plan

Consult with an attorney to incorporate your green burial wishes into your estate plan. This may involve updating your will, creating an advanced directive, or adding specific instructions as part of your final wishes documentation.

Step 5: Notify Loved Ones

Communicate your wishes to family members, executors, and possibly healthcare providers. Ensure that they are aware of your desires for a green burial and know where to find your documented final arrangements.

Step 6: Ongoing Review

Periodically review and update your green burial plans and estate documents as necessary. Changes in personal wishes, legal standards, and available options may warrant updates to your plan.

General Notes

Consider Certification

Some certifications, such as the Green Burial Council certification, can guarantee that your burial will meet certain environmental standards. Consider such certifications when planning your green burial.

Advance Directive

An advance directive can outline preferences for end-of-life care in addition to burial wishes. It's helpful to include instructions regarding resuscitation, life support, and other medical interventions.

Backup Plan

Create a backup plan in case your preferred green burial options are not available at the time of need. This can include alternative methods or services that stay as close to your original wishes as possible.