Advanced Healthcare Directive Prep

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to prepare an advanced healthcare directive, which is a legal document that specifies an individual's preferences for medical treatment in the event they become unable to make their own healthcare decisions.

Step 1: Research

Familiarize yourself with what an advanced healthcare directive entails. Understand your state's specific requirements for creating a valid directive as these can vary.

Step 2: Decide Preferences

Reflect on your values and beliefs to decide on the preferences for your medical care. Consider what types of life-sustaining treatments you would want or not want.

Step 3: Choose A Proxy

Select a trusted individual to serve as your healthcare proxy (also known as a healthcare power of attorney) to make medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable.

Step 4: Draft Directive

Write the advanced healthcare directive. Include your treatment preferences and the name of your healthcare proxy. It's advised to have a lawyer assist with this step to ensure it meets legal requirements.

Step 5: Witnesses/Notary

Have your directive signed by witnesses and/or notarized if required by your state law. This step validates the document.

Step 6: Distribute Copies

Provide copies of the completed directive to your healthcare proxy, family members, and your doctors to ensure your wishes are known and accessible.

Step 7: Regular Review

Review and, if necessary, update your advanced healthcare directive periodically or when you encounter a significant change in health or personal circumstances.

General Notes

Legal Advice

Consider seeking legal advice to ensure that the advanced healthcare directive complies with state laws and fully captures your healthcare wishes.


Discuss your wishes in detail with your healthcare proxy and family to prevent confusion and ensure that your desires are clearly understood.