Home Air Leak Sealing

This playbook outlines the steps to identify and seal air leaks around doors, windows, and ductwork, improving your home's energy efficiency and comfort.

Step 1: Locate Leaks

Check for drafts around windows, doors, and ductwork. Use your hand to feel for air movement or employ the incense stick method: Light an incense stick, pass it around the edges of these areas, and watch for smoke movement indicating air flow.

Step 2: Seal Windows

Apply weather-stripping around the window frame where the sash meets the frame. If necessary, caulk any gaps where the window unit meets the house structure, and consider using shrink film on the inside of windows for additional insulation.

Step 3: Insulate Doors

Place weather-stripping around the entire door frame and install a door sweep on the bottom of doors to prevent drafts. Adjust or replace the threshold if there are gaps.

Step 4: Ductwork Sealing

Use mastic sealant or metal-backed (foil) tape to seal any leaks at joints and connections in exposed ductwork. Remember that regular duct tape is not suitable for this task. After sealing, wrap the ducts in insulation to further prevent energy loss.

Step 5: Final Check

After all seals and insulation are in place, conduct another round of leak detection to ensure that all leaks have been properly addressed. Touch up any areas as needed.

General Notes

Safety Precautions

While sealing leaks, use appropriate personal protective equipment such as gloves and masks, especially when using sealants and insulating materials.


Ensure your home maintains adequate ventilation for healthy indoor air quality, particularly when sealing it tightly against air leaks.