Managing Employee Leaves

This playbook outlines the steps to manage employee leaves of absence, ensuring support for the employee's needs while complying with relevant employment laws. It addresses leaves for medical, personal, or military reasons.

Step 1: Policy Review

Examine the company's leave policies and ensure they are up-to-date and compliant with current employment laws.

Step 2: Receive Notice

Obtain a written leave request from the employee specifying the reason and expected duration of the leave.

Step 3: Evaluate Eligibility

Assess whether the employee's request for leave meets the eligibility criteria outlined by the law and company policy.

Step 4: Document Leave

Prepare and maintain detailed records of the leave, including start and end dates, and any correspondence pertaining to the leave.

Step 5: Communicate Terms

Clearly explain to the employee the terms of their leave, including any implications on their benefits and job position.

Step 6: Arrange Coverage

Organize interim work arrangements to cover the employee's absence, ensuring minimal disruption to operations.

Step 7: Stay Updated

Keep the lines of communication open with the employee during their leave to stay informed of any changes in their situation.

Step 8: Prepare for Return

Prior to the employee's return, coordinate with them to ensure a smooth reintegration into the workplace.

Step 9: Employee Reintegration

Facilitate the returning employee's transition back into their role, addressing any necessary accommodations or updates to be made.

General Notes

Legal Considerations

Always consult with human resources or a legal professional when updating policies or handling sensitive leave situations to ensure legal compliance.


Respect the privacy of the employee and maintain confidentiality of their leave information, disclosing it only to authorized personnel.


Remain flexible and empathetic to the employee's circumstances, understanding that each case may require a unique approach.