Implementing ADA Accommodations

This playbook outlines steps to implement reasonable accommodations in compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It guides employers through the process of handling accommodation requests effectively and legally.

Step 1: Acknowledge Request

Upon receiving an accommodation request, promptly acknowledge receipt to the employee making the request. This establishes a record of the interaction and demonstrates responsiveness.

Step 2: Review ADA Criteria

Review the ADA guidelines to ensure the request qualifies as a reasonable accommodation. Determine if the employee has a disability as defined by the ADA and if the accommodation would enable them to perform their job's essential functions.

Step 3: Assess Job Functions

Identify the essential functions of the job in question. Evaluate the necessity of these functions and how the requested accommodation would affect the employee’s ability to perform them.

Step 4: Consult Employee

Engage in an interactive dialogue with the employee to discuss potential accommodations. Explore various options and assess their effectiveness and feasibility.

Step 5: Determine Reasonableness

Determine whether the accommodation is reasonable, considering factors such as effectiveness, cost, and the impact on the operation of the business.

Step 6: Implement Accommodation

Upon determining an accommodation is reasonable, proceed with implementation. Make the necessary adjustments to the work environment or procedures and provide any required assistive technologies or devices.

Step 7: Monitor and Adjust

Regularly monitor the effectiveness of the accommodation and maintain open communication with the employee. Make any necessary adjustments to ensure the accommodation continues to meet their needs and job requirements.

General Notes


Maintain thorough documentation at every step of the process to protect against legal challenges and to record compliance with the ADA.


Keep all medical information and accommodation requests confidential, sharing them only with personnel who require the information to implement the accommodation.


Provide training for supervisors and HR staff on the ADA's reasonable accommodation requirements to ensure proper handling of accommodation requests.