Gender Pay Equity Evaluation

This guide provides a structured approach to analyze and address gender pay gaps within an organization. It ensures that pay practices are fair and compliant with pay equity laws.

Step 1: Data Collection

Gather comprehensive payroll data, including gender, position, tenure, and performance ratings for all employees to prepare for analysis.

Step 2: Data Analysis

Conduct a statistical analysis on the payroll data to identify any existing gender pay gaps, taking into account factors like position, tenure, and performance.

Step 3: Policy Review

Review current pay policies to ensure they are gender-neutral and comply with current pay equity laws.

Step 4: Action Plan

Develop an action plan to address any identified pay disparities. This plan should include specific steps for adjustment in pay, policy amendments, and timelines for implementation.

Step 5: Implementation

Implement the action plan, making necessary pay adjustments and policy changes to close pay gaps and enhance pay equity.

Step 6: Monitoring

Regularly monitor pay practices moving forward to ensure ongoing compliance and equity, adjusting the approach as needed based on periodic reviews and changes in the law.

General Notes

Legal Compliance

Ensure that any measures taken to address pay equity are in full compliance with local, state, and federal laws.


Maintain transparency throughout the process by communicating intentions, actions taken, and the outcomes to all stakeholders, including employees.

Continuous Improvement

Treat gender pay equity as an ongoing initiative, revisiting policies and practices regularly and making continuous improvements.