Employer Recordkeeping Guide

This playbook outlines the essential steps for employers to maintain appropriate employee records and adhere to the legal requirements for record retention.

Step 1: Understand Laws

Research and understand the federal, state, and local laws pertaining to employee record retention. Different types of records may have different retention requirements.

Step 2: Categorize Records

Classify employee records into categories such as payroll, tax, performance, medical, and hiring documents. This will streamline the retention and retrieval process.

Step 3: Retention Schedule

Develop a record retention schedule that details how long each type of record must be kept. This schedule should comply with the legal guidelines discovered in step one.

Step 4: Secure Storage

Implement secure storage solutions for physical and digital records. Ensure that confidential information is properly protected with adequate security measures.

Step 5: Regular Audits

Schedule and conduct regular audits of your records to make sure that retention schedules are being adhered to and that outdated records are disposed of appropriately.

Step 6: Train Staff

Train your staff on proper recordkeeping procedures and the importance of compliance with the record retention schedule.

Step 7: Dispose Properly

Set up protocols for the secure destruction of records that have met their retention requirements, making sure that confidential information is disposed of in a safe and compliant manner.

General Notes


Keep documentation of record retention policies and audit results to show compliance with legal requirements in the event of an audit or litigation.

Update Policies

Regularly review and update your recordkeeping practices and policies to ensure ongoing compliance with current laws and best practices.

Electronic Systems

Consider using electronic records systems that can automate retention and deletion schedules for efficiency and improved compliance.