Senior-Friendly Tech Introduction

This playbook provides a step-by-step introduction to technology and gadgets designed to aid seniors with daily activities and health monitoring. It helps in familiarizing seniors with the latest tools that can enhance their quality of life.

Step 1: Identify Needs

Start by engaging with seniors to understand their daily challenges, routines, and health monitoring requirements. Note any specific needs that technology could address.

Step 2: Research Devices

Conduct research on the latest tech tools and gadgets best suited for seniors. Focus on user-friendly devices with features like large buttons, clear displays, and simple navigation.

Step 3: Select Options

Based on the research, select a range of devices that match the identified needs of seniors. Consider health monitors, emergency alert systems, smart home devices, and accessible mobile phones or tablets.

Step 4: Create Documentation

Develop clear and concise documentation for each selected device. Include setup guides, operating instructions, and troubleshooting tips. Use large fonts and high-contrast text for better readability.

Step 5: Educational Session

Organize an educational session to introduce seniors to the selected tech tools. Provide hands-on demonstrations and allow them to interact with the devices. Ensure to answer any questions and address concerns.

Step 6: Gather Feedback

After the educational session, collect feedback from the seniors regarding the ease of use, utility, and any difficulties faced with the devices. Use this feedback to make necessary adjustments to the documentation or device selection.

Step 7: Ongoing Support

Offer continuous support and follow-up sessions to ensure seniors are comfortable using the technology. Be available to assist with any technical issues or updates needed for their devices.

General Notes


Always prioritize accessibility when choosing tech tools for seniors. Look for high-contrast screens, large text, voice commands, and simple interfaces.


Consider the budget constraints of seniors when selecting technology. Aim for cost-effective solutions that do not compromise on key features required for accessibility and utility.