Senior Chronic Condition Management

This playbook outlines the steps necessary for monitoring and managing common chronic conditions in seniors, including diabetes, hypertension, and arthritis. It is designed to provide a systematic approach to maintain health and manage symptoms associated with these conditions.

Step 1: Assessment

Start by thoroughly assessing the senior's current health status, medical history, and any previous diagnosis of chronic conditions. Document the existing treatments and medications being used.

Step 2: Goal Setting

Based on the assessment, work with the senior to set realistic and achievable health goals. This may involve maintaining certain blood sugar levels for diabetes, keeping blood pressure within target ranges for hypertension, or improving mobility for arthritis.

Step 3: Plan Development

Develop a tailored care plan that includes medication management, dietary adjustments, physical activity recommendations, and other necessary interventions. This plan should align with the set goals and be adaptable as needed.

Step 4: Education

Educate the senior and any caregivers about the chronic conditions, the importance of adherence to the care plan, and how to recognize signs of complications. Ensure they are aware of the correct usage of medications and any necessary lifestyle changes.

Step 5: Implementation

Implement the care plan, assisting the senior in incorporating it into their daily routine. This could include helping them to establish a medication schedule, introducing prescribed exercises, or facilitating changes in diet.

Step 6: Monitoring

Regularly monitor the senior's health and progress toward goals. This may involve scheduled check-ups, tracking symptoms, or overseeing the use of at-home monitoring devices.

Step 7: Adjustment

Based on the monitoring results, adjust the care plan as needed. Alter medications, dietary recommendations, or exercise programs to better suit the senior's evolving health status.

Step 8: Support

Provide ongoing support to the senior, including emotional support to help them cope with the challenges of managing a chronic condition. Ensure they have access to resources such as support groups or counseling if needed.

General Notes


Maintain open communication channels with the senior, their family, and any healthcare providers to ensure coordinated and effective management of the chronic condition.


Keep detailed records of all health-related information, changes in the care plan, and results from monitoring. This documentation is vital for ongoing management and any future treatment adjustments.