Elderly Medication Management

This playbook outlines the steps caregivers should follow to manage medications for elderly patients effectively. It covers proper storage, scheduling, and the prevention of adverse drug interactions.

Step 1: Assessment

Start by reviewing all current medications prescribed to the elderly individual, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements. Ensure you understand the dosages, timing, and purpose of each medication.

Step 2: Consultation

Schedule a consultation with healthcare professionals to confirm that the combination of medications is safe and effective. Discuss potential drug interactions and the best way to organize the medication schedule.

Step 3: Organization

Create a detailed medication schedule, noting the time and dosage for each medication. Use medication organizers or pill boxes with compartments labeled by days of the week and times of day if necessary.

Step 4: Storage

Store medications in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight. Ensure that all medications are clearly labeled and kept in their original containers to avoid confusion.

Step 5: Administration

Administer medications according to the schedule. Monitor the elderly individual for any side effects or adverse reactions, and provide assistance with the intake of medications if needed.

Step 6: Documentation

Keep a log of all medications taken, including the time and dosage. Note any side effects or issues that arise to discuss them with a healthcare professional during follow-up appointments.

Step 7: Review

Regularly review and update the medication management plan with healthcare providers, especially after any changes in medication or health status. This will help ensure that the medication regimen remains appropriate.

General Notes


Always ensure that emergency contact information is readily available and that all medications are kept out of reach of children or individuals who may misuse them.


Maintain clear communication with the elderly individual, healthcare providers, and family members regarding any changes to the medication regimen or health status.