Elderly Emergency Preparedness

The playbook outlines a series of steps for caregivers to prepare emergency response plans and kits specifically designed to meet the needs of elderly individuals. It focuses on ensuring safety and providing necessary resources during an emergency situation.

Step 1: Assessment

Evaluate the specific needs of the elderly individual, such as medical conditions, mobility limitations, dietary requirements, and necessary medications.

Step 2: Plan Creation

Develop a detailed emergency response plan that includes evacuation procedures, emergency contacts, and specific instructions for caregivers and emergency responders concerning the elderly individual's care.

Step 3: Emergency Kit

Assemble an emergency kit that includes essential items such as water, non-perishable food, medications, first-aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, and any other special items that the elderly person may require.

Step 4: Communications

Set up a reliable communication plan with family members, friends, and local emergency services, ensuring that all involved parties are informed about the emergency procedures and can stay in contact.

Step 5: Evacuation Drills

Conduct regular evacuation drills to practice the emergency plan, making sure the elderly person and caregivers are familiar with escape routes and procedures.

Step 6: Information Sharing

Share the emergency plan with all relevant parties, such as family members, other caregivers, and local emergency services, to ensure everyone is prepared and informed.

Step 7: Review & Update

Regularly review and update the emergency plan and kit to adapt to any changes in the elderly person’s condition or requirements, as well as to incorporate feedback from drills and real incidents.

General Notes


Ensure that emergency plans and kits are accessible to the elderly with mobility and cognitive limitations.

Support Network

Establish a support network of neighbors, friends, and relatives who can assist in case the primary caregiver is unavailable.


Keep important documents, such as identification, medical records, and legal papers like power of attorney, in a safe and accessible location.