Implementing VR in Education

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to integrate Virtual Reality (VR) into an educational setting. It covers the selection of appropriate VR gear, the setup of the technology, and the sourcing of educational VR content.

Step 1: Assess Needs

Determine the educational objectives and how VR can augment the learning experience. Identify the subjects or areas where VR can have the most impact.

Step 2: Budgeting

Create a budget that includes the costs for VR headsets, compatible devices (computers or smartphones), and any additional accessories necessary for the VR setup.

Step 3: Select Gear

Choose VR headsets based on the budget, compatibility with existing devices, comfort, hygiene, and the educational content available.

Step 4: Acquire Content

Research and acquire educational VR content that aligns with the curriculum and educational goals. Utilize reputable sources and confirm the content’s compatibility with the selected VR gear.

Step 5: Setup Technology

Install any necessary software and set up the VR headsets and devices as per manufacturer instructions. Ensure that the technology is accessible and safe for student use.

Step 6: Test System

Conduct thorough testing of all equipment and software to ensure functionality. Verify that the VR content works well within the educational environment and is user-friendly for students.

Step 7: Train Educators

Provide training to educators on how to use VR technology effectively in their teaching. Cover operation of the equipment, integration with lesson plans, and troubleshooting common issues.

Step 8: Integrate into Curriculum

Incorporate VR experiences into lesson plans and curricula in a way that enhances learning objectives. Plan specific sessions where VR technology will be used.

Step 9: Student Orientation

Familiarize students with the VR technology, including safe use guidelines and how to navigate and interact with the VR content.

Step 10: Collect Feedback

After conducting VR sessions, gather feedback from both educators and students to evaluate the effectiveness of VR in the classroom and to make any necessary adjustments.

General Notes


Take privacy considerations into account when selecting and using VR content, ensuring that student data is protected.


Ensure that the VR experiences are accessible to all students, including those with disabilities, and make accommodations as necessary.