Classroom Devices Management

This playbook outlines the sequential steps for managing and maintaining classroom devices like tablets and laptops. It aims to ensure the efficiency and longevity of these educational tools through regular checks, updates, and troubleshooting.

Step 1: Inventory Check

Conduct an inventory check of all classroom devices. Log each device's make and model, assigned classroom or student, serial number, condition, and any other relevant information in a tracking system.

Step 2: Software Updates

Regularly check for and apply software updates. Ensure the operating system and all applications are up-to-date to maintain device security and functionality.

Step 3: Hardware Inspection

Inspect the physical condition of each device. Check for damage, make sure all peripherals are present and functioning, and confirm that batteries are charging as expected.

Step 4: Cleaning Routine

Implement a routine for cleaning devices. This includes wiping down screens, keyboards, and exteriors with approved electronic cleaning supplies to maintain hygiene.

Step 5: Troubleshooting

Perform regular troubleshooting for common issues. Address problems like connectivity, slow performance, and application errors to prevent disruption in the classroom.

Step 6: Security Checks

Ensure all devices adhere to security protocols. This includes password protection, up-to-date antivirus software, and restricted access to inappropriate content.

Step 7: Performance Monitoring

Monitor device performance and usage. Gather data on battery life, application usage, and other performance metrics to anticipate maintenance needs.

Step 8: Repair and Replace

Manage the repair or replacement of devices as needed. Have a clear process in place for when devices fail or are damaged beyond regular maintenance.

Step 9: Feedback Collection

Collect feedback from users, such as teachers and students, on the functionality and performance of the devices, to incorporate into future maintenance strategies.

Step 10: Reporting

Generate regular reports on the status of devices. Document any ongoing issues, completed repairs, or other changes to keep stakeholders informed about the devices' lifecycle.

General Notes


Provide training for teachers and students on proper device use and handling to prevent misuse and accidental damage.


Ensure all devices are backed up regularly to prevent data loss. Verify that backups are complete and can be restored if necessary.

Vendor Support

Maintain contact with device vendors for support and warranty claims. Keep a record of vendor support agreements and contact information for quick reference.