Kids' Cooking & Nutrition Education

This playbook outlines a structured approach to teaching children cooking skills and nutritional knowledge. It includes steps for preparing child-friendly recipes and guiding children through interactive activities that promote healthy eating habits.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather cooking tools and safety equipment suitable for children's use, such as plastic knives, aprons, and non-slip mats. Choose child-friendly recipes that incorporate a variety of healthy ingredients.

Step 2: Safety Briefing

Explain kitchen safety to the children, including the proper way to hold utensils, the importance of handwashing, and how to call for adult assistance when needed.

Step 3: Ingredient Introduction

Introduce each ingredient to the children, discussing its nutritional value and how it contributes to a balanced diet. Allow them to see, touch, and smell the ingredients.

Step 4: Cooking Demonstration

Show the children how to prepare the recipe step-by-step, emphasizing skills such as measuring, mixing, and following instructions. Involve them in the process as much as possible.

Step 5: Hands-on Activity

Allow children to take turns performing different tasks under supervision. Ensure that each child has the opportunity to contribute to the cooking process.

Step 6: Nutrition Education

While the food is cooking, engage the children in a discussion or interactive activity about nutrition. Topics can include food groups, the importance of vitamins and minerals, and making healthy food choices.

Step 7: Tasting Session

Once the recipe is complete, have a tasting session where children can enjoy the food they helped prepare. Encourage them to describe the flavors and talk about their cooking experience.

Step 8: Cleanup

Teach children the importance of cleaning up after cooking. Guide them through the process of washing dishes, wiping down surfaces, and properly storing leftover ingredients.

Step 9: Reflection

End the session by asking children to reflect on what they learned about cooking and nutrition. Discuss how they can apply these skills and knowledge at home.

General Notes


Adjust the difficulty level of recipes and tasks according to the age and skill level of the children.


Use a variety of teaching methods to keep children engaged, such as games, songs or storytelling that relate to cooking and nutrition.

Positive Reinforcement

Offer positive reinforcement throughout the cooking activity to build confidence and encourage ongoing interest in healthy eating.