Interactive Book Reading Playbook

This playbook outlines strategies to help parents make reading sessions with their children more interactive and beneficial. The focus is on improving children's comprehension and vocabulary through engagement during book reading.

Step 1: Preparation

Choose age-appropriate books that align with your child's interests. Ensure the book has vivid illustrations and if possible, related to experiences or concepts your child is familiar with. Gather the book(s) and a comfortable reading space.

Step 2: Engagement

While reading the book, engage your child by pointing to and describing the illustrations. Ask your child to predict what might happen next, fostering a sense of anticipation and involvement.

Step 3: Interaction

Involve your child in the story by encouraging them to repeat phrases or sounds, mimic actions in the book or make connections between the book and their own experiences.

Step 4: Questioning

Ask open-ended questions that stimulate thinking and encourage children to express their thoughts. This includes questions about characters' feelings, the reasons behind events, and what might happen outside the bounds of the story.

Step 5: Vocabulary

Introduce new vocabulary words in the context of the story. Provide simple definitions, use the words in sentences, and connect them to words or concepts your child already knows.

Step 6: Recall

After reading, have a discussion about the book. Encourage your child to recount the story and talk about their favorite parts. This reinforces comprehension and memory.

Step 7: Extension Activities

Extend the reading experience with activities related to the book's themes, such as drawing a picture from the story, acting out a scene, or visiting a similar setting in real life.

General Notes

Book Selection

Selecting the right book is crucial. It should not only be appropriate for the child's age but also match their current interests and developmental stage.

Reading Environment

Create a cozy and distraction-free environment to keep the child's focus on the book. Comfortable seating and good lighting can make a significant difference.


Adjust the pace of your reading to suit the child's engagement. Pause for discussion or skim over parts that might not hold their interest.


Consistently practicing these strategies can help develop a routine and reinforce the interactive aspects of reading.

Follow the Child's Lead

Letting the child dictate some parts of the reading experience can increase their interest and engagement. If they are particularly curious about a detail or wish to linger on a page longer, accommodate their interests.