Healthy Habits in P.E. Classes

This playbook outlines strategies and activities that physical education instructors can use to motivate children to develop healthy habits. It emphasizes creating a positive environment that makes physical activity enjoyable and habitual for students.

Step 1: Assessment

Begin by assessing the current physical abilities, interests, and needs of the children to tailor activities to their levels and preferences.

Step 2: Planning

Create a diverse plan that includes a variety of activities promoting endurance, strength, flexibility, and balance, ensuring that the plan is adaptable to all skill levels.

Step 3: Inclusivity

Ensure that activities are inclusive and every child is able to participate and find enjoyment, making adjustments as necessary for those with different abilities.

Step 4: Education

Integrate educational components that explain the benefits of being active and how it relates to health, in terms that are understandable for children.

Step 5: Goal Setting

Encourage children to set personal goals related to physical activity and track their progress, providing them with a sense of accomplishment as they meet these goals.

Step 6: Positive Reinforcement

Use positive reinforcement to praise effort, progress, and sportsmanship rather than just skill or competition, fostering a supportive environment.

Step 7: Role Models

Act as a role model by showcasing your own enjoyment of being active and having a positive attitude towards physical education.

Step 8: Feedback

Provide constructive feedback and encourage peer-to-peer feedback to build a community of support and improvement.

Step 9: Reflection

Regularly reflect with the students on the activities they enjoyed and the skills they've developed, using this to inform future planning.

Step 10: Family Involvement

Involve family members by providing information on how to support their children's healthy habits at home and encouraging participation in family-oriented physical activities.

General Notes

Safety First

Always ensure that all physical activities are conducted in a safe environment, and children are educated on safety practices.


Be ready to adapt the plan based on the dynamic needs and responses of the children to keep them engaged and progressing.

Continuous Improvement

Stay informed about new techniques, activities, and educational strategies in physical education to continuously improve the program.