Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills

This playbook outlines the steps for using puzzles and brain teasers to help children develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. It provides a structured approach for introducing and engaging with these tools to foster cognitive growth.

Step 1: Selection

Choose a variety of puzzles and brain teasers that are age-appropriate and cater to different skill levels. Ensure there is a mix of types, such as logical puzzles, word problems, and pattern recognition tasks.

Step 2: Introduction

Introduce the selected puzzles and brain teasers to the children. Explain the importance of problem-solving skills and how these activities can help develop those skills.

Step 3: Demonstration

Demonstrate how to approach and solve a few puzzles and brain teasers, emphasizing strategies like breaking the problem into smaller parts, looking for patterns, and thinking creatively.

Step 4: Participation

Encourage the children to attempt solving the puzzles and brain teasers on their own or in small groups. Provide guidance and hints as needed, without giving away the solutions.

Step 5: Discussion

After the children have attempted the puzzles, facilitate a group discussion. Ask them to share their thought processes and alternative solutions. Highlight different problem-solving techniques that were used.

Step 6: Reflection

Ask the children to reflect on their experiences. Discuss what strategies worked well, what was challenging, and how they could approach similar problems in the future.

Step 7: Regular Practice

Incorporate these activities regularly into the children's routine to continuously develop and strengthen their problem-solving skills.

General Notes


Be prepared to adapt the difficulty of the puzzles and brain teasers based on the children's responses and skill levels. Personalize the experience to keep them challenged but not frustrated.


Always provide positive feedback and encouragement. Create an environment where it's okay to make mistakes and where perseverance is rewarded.