Elementary School Transition

A guide to assist parents and children through the emotional and practical transitions involved in starting elementary school. It outlines steps to prepare both emotionally and logistically for this important milestone.

Step 1: Discussion

Begin by discussing the upcoming change with your child. Explain what elementary school is and talk about the positive aspects, such as making new friends and learning new things. Address any concerns or fears they may have in an empathetic and supportive manner.

Step 2: Visit School

Arrange a visit to the new school, if possible. Familiarize your child with the environment, showing them important locations such as their classroom, bathroom, and cafeteria. Meeting the teacher beforehand can also be beneficial, as it provides a familiar face on the first day.

Step 3: Routine Adjustment

Adjust your child's daily routine gradually. This includes setting an earlier bedtime and wakeup time to match the school schedule. Begin this process a few weeks before school starts to minimize difficulty in adjusting.

Step 4: School Supplies

Involve your child in shopping for school supplies and clothes. Allow them to make choices where appropriate, which can increase their excitement and sense of control over the new experience.

Step 5: Social Preparation

Encourage your child to develop social skills that will be helpful in school, such as sharing, taking turns, and following instructions. Arrange playdates or group activities to practice these skills in a fun setting.

Step 6: Emotional Coaching

Teach and reinforce emotional coping skills. Discuss feelings and appropriate ways to express them. Role-play different scenarios they might encounter at school and how to handle them constructively.

Step 7: Information Sharing

Provide the school with important information about your child, such as medical conditions, allergies or special needs. Establish communication channels with your child’s teacher for regular updates and concerns.

Step 8: First Day Prep

Prepare everything your child will need for the first day of school the night before. Ensure they have their school bag packed, clothes ready, and a nutritious breakfast planned for the morning.

Step 9: Ongoing Support

Continue to provide support as your child adjusts to school. Maintain an open dialogue about their experiences, assist with homework, and stay actively involved in school events and activities.

General Notes

Stay Positive

Children can pick up on parental anxiety, so try to maintain a positive and confident demeanor when discussing school.

Health Check

Ensure your child is up to date on immunizations and health checks before starting school.