Educational Toy Selection

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide for selecting educational toys that are engaging and contribute to a child's learning. It emphasizes the importance of balancing fun with educational value to enhance a child's developmental process through play.

Step 1: Assess Age

Evaluate the age range of the child to ensure the educational toy is developmentally appropriate. Consider their current developmental stage and what skills they are in the process of acquiring.

Step 2: Define Goals

Determine the educational goals you have for the child. Identify specific skills or knowledge you wish for them to develop, such as cognitive abilities, motor skills, or subject-specific knowledge (mathematics, science, language arts, etc.).

Step 3: Research Options

Research various toys that align with your educational goals. Look for toys that are highly-rated by both educators and parents. Read reviews and watch videos to see the toys in action.

Step 4: Safety Check

Ensure that the toy adheres to safety standards. Check for non-toxic materials, absence of small parts for younger children, and compliance with safety regulations.

Step 5: Quality & Durability

Assess the build quality and durability of the toy to ensure it will withstand frequent use. High-quality materials and construction are indicators of a toy that will last and provide ongoing educational value.

Step 6: Engagement Factor

Choose toys that are engaging and interesting to the child. The toy should capture their imagination and encourage prolonged interaction to maximize learning opportunities.

Step 7: Ease of Use

Select toys that the child can use independently or with minimal supervision, depending on their age. This fosters self-directed learning and exploration.

Step 8: Implement Usage

Introduce the educational toy to the child in a playful manner. Explain its features and demonstrate potential ways to explore and learn with it. Encourage the child to experiment and make discoveries on their own.

Step 9: Observe & Adapt

Observe the child's interaction with the toy to gauge its effectiveness. Note if the toy is indeed promoting the desired skills and knowledge. Be prepared to adapt toy selections based on the child's evolving interests and educational needs.

Step 10: Review Progress

Periodically review the child's progress and engagement with the toy. Discuss what they've learned and any new interests that have developed, using this information to inform future toy selections.

General Notes


Consider selecting toys that promote inclusivity, representing different cultures, abilities, and backgrounds to teach children about diversity and empathy.


Strive for a balance of toy types, incorporating various sensory experiences (visual, auditory, tactile) and types of play (solitary, cooperative, active, etc.) to support well-rounded development.

Updates & Maintenance

Keep the toy collection fresh and interesting by periodically adding new options, while also maintaining and cleaning existing toys to ensure they remain safe and functional.