Upcycling Old Furniture

This playbook provides a step-by step guide for transforming old, out-of-style, or worn out furniture into chic, stylish home decor items. These techniques focus on revamping items to give them a new life and aesthetic.

Step 1: Planning

Assess the furniture piece to determine its structural integrity and decide on a design direction. Consider factors like current condition, desired style, and functionality. Research inspiration and gather ideas.

Step 2: Materials

List and purchase all materials and tools needed for the upcycling project. This may include paint, brushes, sandpaper, fabrics, hardware, and other decorative elements.

Step 3: Preparation

Prepare the furniture piece for upcycling. Clean it thoroughly to remove dirt and grime. If necessary, disassemble parts for easier painting or upholstering.

Step 4: Base Work

Perform any necessary repairs to ensure the furniture is stable and functional. Sand the surfaces to remove old finishes and to create a smooth base for new paint or stain.

Step 5: Decorating

Apply the chosen finish, whether it's paint, stain, or something else. Take your time with multiple coats if necessary for a professional look. Once the base layers are dry, add the chosen decorative elements.

Step 6: Final Touches

Reassemble any parts that were removed. Add new hardware if part of the design. Conduct a final inspection to make sure everything is secured and finished to your satisfaction.

General Notes


Always wear protective gear such as gloves, masks, and eyewear when handling paint, stain, or when sanding surfaces.


Work in a well-ventilated area, especially when using substances with strong fumes, to ensure safety.

Dry Times

Respect the dry times for paint or stain as indicated by the manufacturer to ensure the best finish and longevity of the upcycling work.