Making a Compost Bin

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to create a compost bin for recycling household organic waste into nutrient-rich soil for gardening.

Step 1: Materials

Gather all materials needed for your compost bin, including a bin or container, drill, drill bits, and carbon-rich (brown) and nitrogen-rich (green) compost materials.

Step 2: Drill Holes

Using the drill and drill bits, make multiple holes in the sides, bottom, and lid of your bin to allow for air flow and drainage, which are critical for the composting process.

Step 3: Location

Choose an appropriate location for your compost bin. It should be placed on the ground in a well-drained area that receives partial sun and shade and is easily accessible for adding materials.

Step 4: Base Layer

Place a layer of brown materials, such as dry leaves or straw, in the bottom of the bin to start your compost pile and help with drainage and aeration.

Step 5: Add Layers

Begin to add alternating layers of green materials (like vegetable scraps) and brown materials. Green materials provide nitrogen while brown materials provide carbon, both of which are necessary for effective composting.

Step 6: Maintain

Regularly maintain your compost pile by turning it with a shovel or pitchfork every week to aerate it, checking the moisture level and adding water if it's too dry, or more brown materials if it's too wet.

Step 7: Harvest

After several months, check the bottom of the bin for finished compost. It should be dark, crumbly, and have an earthy smell. Use this compost to enrich your garden soil by spreading it over the soil surface or mixing it in.

General Notes


Ensure the size of the compost bin is suitable for the amount of organic waste your household produces and the size of your garden.


Avoid adding meat, dairy, oils, diseased plants, or inorganic materials as these can attract pests, create foul odors, or disrupt the composting process.


If pests become a problem, secure your bin with a tight-fitting lid and a wire mesh base to prevent entry.