Handmade Candle Crafting

This playbook outlines the step-by-step procedure for making scented candles at home. It includes the necessary materials required for the process and provides guidance on personalizing your candle creations.

Step 1: Gather Materials

Collect all necessary materials including: wax (soy, paraffin, beeswax, etc.), wicks, fragrance oils or essential oils, a heat source (such as a double boiler), a thermometer, containers for the candles, a pouring pot, a stirring utensil, and any colorants or additional decorations desired.

Step 2: Prepare Workspace

Cover your work area with newspaper or a protective sheet. Arrange tools and ingredients within easy reach. Ensure the area is well-ventilated.

Step 3: Melt Wax

Using a double boiler, gently heat the wax while stirring occasionally until it melts completely and reaches a temperature specified by the wax manufacturer's instructions, usually around 170-180 degrees Fahrenheit.

Step 4: Add Fragrance

Once the wax is melted, remove from heat and stir in fragrance oils or essential oils. The typical ratio is 1 ounce of fragrance per pound of wax but follow the recommendations provided with your wax.

Step 5: Attach Wick

Secure the wick to the bottom of your candle container using adhesive or a wick sticker. Ensure the wick is centered and straight.

Step 6: Pour Wax

Pour the melted wax into the container slowly. Fill the container, leaving about half an inch at the top. Keep the wick centered and upright as the wax begins to cool and solidify.

Step 7: Secure Wick

Use a wick centering tool or a makeshift one (like pencils or chopsticks) to keep the wick centered while the wax sets.

Step 8: Cool

Allow the candle to cool at room temperature away from drafts for at least 4 hours or until completely solid. Avoid moving the candle during this time.

Step 9: Trim Wick

Once the candle is fully solidified, trim the wick to about a quarter inch above the wax surface. This helps ensure a clean burn.

Step 10: Decorate

If desired, add any additional decorations such as dye for color, wrapping the container, or attaching labels or other decorative elements.

Step 11: Cure

Let the candle cure for a time consistent with the type of wax used, typically about 1-2 weeks, to ensure optimal fragrance and burning quality.

General Notes

Safety Precautions

Always be cautious when working with hot wax and open flames. Keep a fire extinguisher or a bowl of water handy in case of emergencies, and never leave your heating wax unattended.

Wick Sizing

Ensure the wick size matches the diameter of your container to achieve an even burn. Refer to wick sizing charts available from wick manufacturers.


It's recommended to test burn a small candle before making larger amounts to ensure the scent throw and burn quality meet your expectations.