Building a Backyard Fire Pit

This playbook guides you through the process of safely constructing a durable and aesthetically pleasing fire pit in your backyard. Follow these structured steps to ensure proper build and safety.

Step 1: Location

Select a suitable location in your backyard that is at least 15 feet away from house walls, trees, fences, and other structures for the fire pit. Ensure the spot chosen is not underneath any low-hanging branches or wires.

Step 2: Design

Choose a fire pit design that complements your outdoor space, can be made from non-flammable materials, and fits the size of your location. Circular and square designs are common.

Step 3: Materials

Gather materials required for your fire pit, such as firebricks, landscape stones, gravel, a steel ring, construction adhesive, and tools like a shovel and level.

Step 4: Excavation

Mark the fire pit area and excavate the ground to an approximate depth of 6 to 12 inches to accommodate the base of gravel and bricks, ensuring even, flat ground.

Step 5: Base

Fill the excavated area with a layer of gravel for drainage and stability and tamp it down evenly.

Step 6: First Layer

Place the steel ring at the center and arrange the first layer of firebricks around it, ensuring they're level and stable. Secure the bricks together using construction adhesive.

Step 7: Stacking

Continue stacking additional layers of bricks, staggering the joints for each layer, up to the desired height while making sure the structure remains level.

Step 8: Outer Wall

Construct the outer wall using landscape stones, maintaining a small gap between the inner firebricks and the outer stone wall for insulation.

Step 9: Finishing

Ensure that the top of the fire pit is level and secure all layers with construction adhesive. Fill any gaps with additional gravel, and check the stability of the structure.

Step 10: Cleanup

Remove excess material and clean the area around the newly built fire pit. Dispose of debris responsibly.

General Notes


Confirm with your local authorities to make sure your fire pit conforms to local bylaws and zoning codes. Inspect the fire pit regularly to ensure it remains stable and safe to use.


Occasional maintenance may be necessary to address any erosion or loosening of bricks and stones.