Video Game Concept Art Creation

This playbook describes the process of creating concept art for video games, focusing on the development of environment and character concepts. It details the vital role of concept art in the video game development cycle.

Step 1: Research

Gather information about the game's genre, setting, story, and characters to inform the design process.

Step 2: Inspiration

Collect reference materials such as photos, art, and literature that can inspire and inform your concept designs.

Step 3: Brainstorm

Conduct brainstorm sessions to generate a wide range of ideas and directions for the character and environment concepts.

Step 4: Sketching

Create quick sketches to explore different designs, shapes, and compositions for the concepts.

Step 5: Refinement

Select the most promising sketches and refine them into more detailed concept art, focussing on form, color, and mood.

Step 6: Feedback

Present your refined concepts to team members and stakeholders to gather feedback and further refine your work.

Step 7: Finalize

Incorporate feedback and finalize the concept art, ensuring it aligns with the game's vision and technical requirements.

Step 8: Documentation

Compile all concept pieces and related documentation for use by the game development team throughout the production process.

General Notes


Remember to maintain open lines of communication with other departments during the concept creation process to ensure alignment with overall project goals.

Iterative Process

Expect the concept art phase to be iterative, requiring multiple rounds of revision and adaptation based on evolving project needs and stakeholder input.