Digital Lettering Fundamentals

This playbook provides a step-by-step guide to learning the basics of digital lettering and calligraphy. It is intended for use with applications such as Adobe Fresco and Procreate to help users get started with creating digital typography art.

Step 1: Tool Selection

Choose and familiarize yourself with your digital art application, such as Adobe Fresco or Procreate. Ensure that your device is compatible with the app and that you have a stylus or Apple Pencil for more precise control.

Step 2: Workspace Setup

Customize the application's workspace to your preference. This may include setting up your canvas size, resolution, and any guides or grids you may find useful for maintaining consistent letter shapes and sizes.

Step 3: Brush Selection

Select the appropriate brushes for your lettering or calligraphy work. Experiment with different brush sizes, textures, and flows to suit the style you are aiming for. Many applications provide a variety of brushes specifically for lettering.

Step 4: Basic Strokes

Practice drawing basic strokes, such as upward thin strokes and downward thick strokes. Experiment with pressure sensitivity to vary the line width, creating the signature style of calligraphy.

Step 5: Letter Forms

Begin to form letters by connecting the basic strokes. Study different alphabets and practice consistently to develop muscle memory. Pay attention to spacing, consistency, and the overall flow of words.

Step 6: Refinement

Refine your letters by using editing tools to adjust shape and smooth out lines. Utilize layers to help isolate parts of your lettering for detailed adjustments.

Step 7: Final Touches

Add final touches such as coloring, shadows, or highlights to enhance the visual appeal of your lettering. Experiment with different effects available in your app to create a signature look.

Step 8: Export and Share

Once you are satisfied with your artwork, export your project in the desired format (such as .PNG or .JPG) and share it on social media or within a digital portfolio.

General Notes


Ensure that you are working in a comfortable environment to avoid strain. Adjust your screen brightness, and take regular breaks to rest your eyes and hands.


Regularly save your work and consider backing up your files to the cloud or an external drive to prevent data loss.

Learning Resources

Take advantage of online tutorials, courses, and forums dedicated to digital lettering and calligraphy to continue improving your skills.