3D Modeling with Blender

This playbook provides a step-by-step approach for beginners to learn 3D modeling using Blender. It covers the basics of 3D modeling concepts and guides users through the process of creating and rendering 3D objects using the Blender software.

Step 1: Installation

Download Blender from the official website. Ensure your system meets the software requirements. Follow the installation instructions to install Blender on your computer.

Step 2: Interface Overview

Open Blender and familiarize yourself with the user interface. Locate and learn about the following key areas: 3D viewport, Timeline, Outliner, Properties panel, and Tool Shelf.

Step 3: Basic Navigation

Learn how to navigate in the 3D viewport. Practice zooming, panning, and rotating the view. Understand how to select and manipulate objects using the mouse or keyboard shortcuts.

Step 4: Adding Objects

Add your first 3D object. Use the Add menu to create primitive shapes like cubes, spheres, and cylinders. Learn how to move, scale, and rotate these objects within the 3D space.

Step 5: Modeling Basics

Discover the basic modeling tools. Learn how to enter Edit Mode to modify the geometry of your objects. Explore essential tools like Extrude, Loop Cut, and Subdivide.

Step 6: Materials and Textures

Apply materials and textures to your objects. Understand the difference between the two and learn how to use the Properties panel to change the color, transparency, and texture of your objects.

Step 7: Lighting and Cameras

Learn to set up lighting and cameras. Experiment with different light sources and their settings. Place cameras in your scene to control the perspective from which your scene will be rendered.

Step 8: Rendering

Render your first 3D scene. Understand rendering settings and how they affect the final output. Learn to save your rendered image or animation to your computer.

Step 9: Practice

Practice creating different objects and scenes. Apply the skills you've learned to build your own unique 3D models and render them to create final images or animations.

General Notes

Save Frequently

Ensure you frequently save your work to avoid losing progress in case of software crashes or other unexpected issues.

Community Support

Utilize the Blender community for support. Engage in forums, watch tutorials, and participate in discussions to enhance your skills and resolve issues.


Don't be afraid to experiment with different tools and settings in Blender to learn more about what you can achieve with 3D modeling.