Security & Penetration Testing

This playbook outlines the steps for conducting security and penetration tests. The aim is to identify and address system vulnerabilities to prevent potential exploitation by attackers.

Step 1: Preparation

Gather all necessary information about the system to be tested, including network diagrams, IP addresses, and details about the system's functionality and technology. Obtain proper authorization from the system's owners and stakeholders.

Step 2: Reconnaissance

Perform an active and passive analysis of the system to collect data on potential entry points. This can include public information gathering, network scanning, and enumeration of services.

Step 3: Threat Modeling

Identify likely threats and vulnerabilities in the system. Prioritize identified vulnerabilities based on the potential impact and likelihood of exploitation.

Step 4: Vulnerability Analysis

Perform a thorough vulnerability scan using automated tools to identify known security issues. Analyze the results to pinpoint exploitable weaknesses.

Step 5: Exploitation

Attempt to exploit identified vulnerabilities, typically in a safe testing environment, to understand the level of access or data a potential attacker could gain.

Step 6: Post-Exploitation

Determine the value of the compromised system and the data within it. Establish whether the compromised system can be used to gain further access and exploit additional systems.

Step 7: Analysis

Document all findings, including successful and unsuccessful exploits, the ease of access to sensitive data, and any other potential security concerns.

Step 8: Reporting

Compile a comprehensive report detailing the vulnerabilities, the methods used to test, what was found, and the potential impacts. Provide recommendations for mitigation and improvement.

Step 9: Mitigation

Implement the recommended security measures to mitigate the identified risks. This may involve patching software, changing configuration settings, or other corrective actions.

Step 10: Retesting

After fixes have been applied, retest the system to ensure that the vulnerabilities have been effectively addressed and there are no new issues.

General Notes

Legal Compliance

Ensure all testing activities are compliant with relevant laws and regulations, to avoid potential legal repercussions.


Maintain clear and open communication with all relevant parties throughout the testing process to manage expectations and facilitate smooth operations.