Insider Threat Protection

This playbook details the procedural steps for detecting, preventing, and mitigating risks associated with insider threats to an organization's digital assets. It aims to maintain organizational security and integrity by addressing internal vulnerabilities.

Step 1: Assessment

Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential insider threats. Evaluate employee roles, access levels, and areas of vulnerabilities within your organization's digital infrastructure.

Step 2: Policies

Establish clear, robust security policies and procedures. This includes defining acceptable use of company resources, outlining data handling protocols, and describing consequences for policy violations.

Step 3: Training

Implement regular security awareness training for all employees. Educate them about insider threats, how to identify suspicious behavior, and the importance of following company policies.

Step 4: Monitoring

Set up systems for continuous monitoring of user activities and data usage. Employ automated tools to track, log, and analyze abnormal behavior patterns that may indicate insider threat.

Step 5: Access Control

Enforce strict access control measures. Limit employee access to sensitive information based on role, and use authentication and authorization mechanisms to secure data.

Step 6: Incident Response

Develop an incident response plan that includes protocols for responding to suspected insider threats. Ensure the plan includes immediate actions, internal investigation procedures, and reporting to the appropriate authorities if necessary.

Step 7: Review

Regularly review and update all security measures. Reassess risk profiles, conduct security audits, and update policies and training to adapt to new threats and changing circumstances within the organization.

General Notes


Foster a positive organizational culture with an emphasis on security. Encourage employees to report suspicious activities without fear of retribution.


Leverage technology solutions that aid in detecting insider threats, such as Data Loss Prevention (DLP) tools, User and Entity Behavior Analytics (UEBA), and Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems.


Ensure that all monitoring and data protection activities are in compliance with relevant privacy laws and regulations. It's essential to balance security measures with the rights of employees.