Disaster Recovery Planning

A systematic approach to crafting a detailed plan to restore business operations following a cyber attack or data loss incident, ensuring minimal downtime and continuity of critical functions.

Step 1: Risk Assessment

Identify and evaluate risks to your business that could lead to data loss or service interruption. This includes assessing the likelihood of various disasters, their potential impact on your business operations, and determining the most critical assets and functions.

Step 2: Business Impact Analysis

Conduct a thorough analysis of the effects of interruptions to business processes. Prioritize the business functions and systems that are most critical to the organization’s operations and financial stability.

Step 3: Recovery Strategies

Develop strategies for recovery of business operations after a disaster. This should entail identifying key resources for support, outlining detailed recovery procedures, and establishing the order in which business processes should be reinstated.

Step 4: Plan Development

Create a comprehensive disaster recovery plan document. It should compile all procedures, resources, and information derived from the previous steps into a structured and accessible format.

Step 5: Testing & Exercises

Regularly test and exercise the disaster recovery plan to identify any weaknesses or areas for improvement. This includes conducting drills, simulations, and reviewing plan effectiveness with all stakeholders.

Step 6: Maintenance & Review

Maintain and regularly review the disaster recovery plan to ensure it stays current with the changing business environment and technological developments. Update it to reflect any changes to your business operations, infrastructure, or personnel.

General Notes


Ensure that all employees are trained and aware of their roles in the disaster recovery plan. Communication is critical before, during, and after any disaster, and employees should be aware of how to access the plan and their specific responsibilities.


Collaborate with external partners, including local authorities, service providers, and vendors, to ensure they are aligned with your disaster recovery objectives and can provide assistance during recovery operations.


Check for compliance with any relevant legal, regulatory, and industry standards that may impact your disaster recovery planning to ensure you’re not only prepared but also operating within the bounds of the law.