Mental Health Support for Crisis Teams

This playbook outlines the steps necessary to provide mental health resources and support systems designed specifically for crisis management teams. It ensures these teams have the means to deal with stress and trauma associated with their demanding roles.

Step 1: Assess Needs

Evaluate the specific mental health needs of the crisis management team by conducting surveys, interviews, or using assessment tools to identify their stressors and the types of support that would be most beneficial.

Step 2: Develop Program

Create a tailored mental health support program based on the assessment data. This should include structured support such as counseling services, stress management training, and resources for coping with trauma.

Step 3: Engage Experts

Consult with mental health professionals to ensure the support program meets clinical standards and is equipped to address the identified needs effectively.

Step 4: Implement Resources

Provision of the support program, ensuring that mental health resources are easily accessible to all members of the crisis team. This can include establishing a dedicated helpline, in-person counseling sessions, and online resources.

Step 5: Promote Awareness

Communicate the available mental health resources to the crisis team through workshops, seminars, or informational materials, ensuring that team members are aware of how to access the support.

Step 6: Monitor & Improve

Regularly collect feedback on the support program's effectiveness from the crisis team and use this information to refine and enhance the offered resources.

General Notes


Maintain strict confidentiality for all members seeking help, ensuring privacy and trust in the support system.

Cultural Sensitivity

Ensure that all resources and support systems are culturally sensitive and appropriate, catering to the diverse backgrounds of team members.

24/7 Availability

Strive to make the mental health support available around the clock, recognizing that crises can occur at any time and that immediate support may be necessary.