Ethical Decision-Making Playbook

This playbook outlines the process for making ethical decisions during crisis situations, focusing on the application of ethical frameworks to guide critical choices.

Step 1: Assess

Evaluate the crisis situation to understand the immediate needs, potential risks, and the stakeholders involved.

Step 2: Identify

Identify the ethical dilemmas and questions that the crisis situation presents, considering the conflict between values, rights, duties, or interests.

Step 3: Consult

Consult a diverse set of perspectives, including ethical frameworks, expert opinions, and affected parties, to bring a broad understanding to the dilemma.

Step 4: Deliberate

Engage in critical thinking and open dialogue to weigh the benefits and harms associated with different courses of action.

Step 5: Decide

Make a decision that best aligns with ethical principles, considering the long-term and short-term impacts on all stakeholders.

Step 6: Act

Implement the decision with a focus on transparency, accountability, and the ability to revise actions as the situation evolves.

Step 7: Review

Reflect on the decision-making process and outcomes to learn from the experience and improve future ethical decision-making.

General Notes


Familiarize yourself with ethical frameworks such as Utilitarianism, Deontology, Virtue Ethics, and the Ethic of Care, which can provide different lenses through which to view a crisis.


Maintain detailed records of the decision-making process, the justification for decisions made, and the actions taken, for future accountability and learning.


Be prepared to adapt your response as the crisis evolves and new information becomes available or the situation changes.