Crisis Simulation Execution

This playbook provides a structured approach to planning and conducting crisis simulations and drills. It is designed to help organizations prepare for real-world crisis scenarios by running through simulated events in a controlled environment.

Step 1: Objective Setting

Define specific objectives for the crisis simulation or drill. Determine what outcomes you want to achieve, such as testing response time, decision-making under pressure, or coordination among teams.

Step 2: Planning

Develop a detailed plan for the simulation, including scenarios, roles, responsibilities, and logistics. Decide on the format of the drill (tabletop exercise, live-action, etc.) and create scripts or guidelines for participants.

Step 3: Team Assembly

Form a planning team with representatives from all critical areas of your organization. This team will be responsible for executing the simulation and evaluating the outcomes.

Step 4: Communication

Inform all participants and stakeholders about the upcoming drill, including its purpose, date, and expectations. Communication before, during, and after the simulation is critical to its success.

Step 5: Preparation

Prepare all materials and resources needed for the simulation. This may include documents, equipment, communication tools, and any other necessary items.

Step 6: Execution

Carry out the simulation according to the plan. Ensure that all participants understand their roles and follow the script or scenario as closely as possible. Monitor the simulation to track developments and unexpected challenges.

Step 7: Debrief

After the simulation, hold a debriefing session with all participants. Discuss what went well, what could be improved, and how the organization would manage an actual crisis.

Step 8: Evaluation

Evaluate the simulation based on the initial objectives. Gather feedback from participants, review performance data, and assess whether the desired outcomes were achieved.

Step 9: Report Writing

Compile a comprehensive report detailing the simulation process, findings, and recommendations for future improvements. Ensure that this report is distributed to all relevant stakeholders.

Step 10: Follow-Up

Implement changes based on the feedback and evaluation from the simulation. Schedule any necessary training or modifications to procedures and plan for future simulations.

General Notes


Be prepared to adapt the simulation plan as needed. Real-world crises are unpredictable, and being flexible can provide valuable lessons in adaptability and improvisation.


Ensure that all simulations and drills are conducted in a safe environment. Safety measures should be in place to protect participants from any potential harm.