Crisis Management Legalities

This playbook provides guidance on understanding and navigating the legal implications that can arise during crisis management. It outlines essential steps to ensure legal compliance and minimize risk when making crisis management decisions.

Step 1: Assessment

Conduct a thorough assessment of the crisis to understand its scope and the potential legal implications. Consider the impact on stakeholders, regulatory requirements, and any contractual obligations.

Step 2: Team Assembly

Assemble a crisis management team that includes legal counsel to ensure that all decisions are made with an understanding of the legal ramifications.

Step 3: Legal Analysis

Perform a detailed legal analysis to identify all applicable laws, regulations, and contractual terms that may affect crisis management decisions.

Step 4: Risk Evaluation

Evaluate the legal risks associated with different management strategies. Prioritize actions that are compliant with laws and contracts to minimize legal exposure.

Step 5: Documentation

Ensure that all decisions and actions are thoroughly documented. This includes recording the rationale behind decisions and ensuring that there is a clear paper trail for accountability.

Step 6: Communication

Develop a communication plan that addresses legal concerns. This should include controlled messaging to the public and stakeholders to avoid misinformation and potential legal issues.

Step 7: Policy Review

Review and update policies and procedures to incorporate the lessons learned from the crisis management process. Ensure that legal considerations are integrated into the crisis management plan.

General Notes


Regularly consult with legal professionals both during and after the crisis to address ongoing issues and to improve future crisis management strategies.


Provide training to the crisis management team on legal considerations, focusing on the importance of compliance with laws and regulations.

Regulatory Updates

Stay informed of changes in law and regulations that could influence crisis management procedures and adjust your strategies accordingly.